Saturday, May 29, 2010

Rumblefest 2

Every now and then, hubby likes to do a get together with his ex-coworkers. This time is Nadia and Roberto's turn to host.

It's our first time going to Nadia's house and boy, it is SOOOOOO gorgeous! They custom built their house a few years ago. You can tell right away, they have given much thought to the layout and the details. Man, that's my dream house!!!!!!!

There were nine kids/babies altogether (10 including the one still in the oven baking). It was weird to see so many kids running around. Well, at least I didn't have to hide in a room, now that's an improvement. The kids had a blast! The older ones were playing together nicely. No crying, no fighting. The little ones have had so many cool toys to play with that we didn't need to entertain them too much either.

This is the room closet to the foyer and we were stuck here, literally. There are SO MANY toys! It's like we walked into a toy store. Ali had so much fun playing with this and that. She also loves to see other kids too.

Auntie Anita offering Ali a donut.
Nolan: Mommy, I want to be a doctor when I grow up.

The triple As : Anita, Anthony and Allison
Po, Kelly and their daughters, Megan and Amelia
A few more random pictures that I snapped when the kids were playing:

By 2:30, the kids are just exhausted. Just look at the two! All we need are a few mattresses and they could fall asleep right there!
Thank you so so much for hosting, Nadia and Roberto! Same time next week?
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