Sunday, May 23, 2010

Playdate with Kaley

A: Kaley, this is a yellow ball.
K: Yeah, I know. Gimme.
K: Rrrrrrr............
A: Ugh....I am gonna play with my doll now.
A: Hey, Kaley, quick! Pretend to look innocent. My mommy is watching over there.
Kaley promptly throws away her ball and turns around and look at Auntie Teresa.
A & K: Yeah, high five! I think we fooled her! Ha ha ha, she is so gullible!
S: Hey, whatsup you two! See these rings? Come and get them!
K: Show off! You know we can't stand just yet.
A: Hmph!

Here is a short clip of Ali and Kaley playing together:

1 comment:

  1. It's so cool to see Ali interact with another baby. Kira was so antisocial at this age and Hayden was always trampled over by big kids. Go Ali Go!!!
