Friday, November 20, 2009

Nap training - Part II

Alison is doing much better in terms of naps. She naps four times a day and each time ranges from 1-2 hours. She does not fuss too much before she falls asleep. There were a few days that she demanded to be nursed to sleep. Obviously, I did not submit to her cryings. I had to admit those battles were tough, but I made it at the end. Woo hoo!!

Ali usually falls asleep within 10 minutes after I put her to bed. I usually check on her in a few minutes where I would find her eyes closed, waving her arms or sucking on her fists, and talking gibberish in an angry way.

I don't know why I find her outraged state extremely cute and funny (call me crazy!). Check it out for yourself. Unfortunately, the room was too dark and you could only hear her "complaining". She started with a little bit of whining and towards the end, you can hear her angry babble. Gosh, I should turn that into my ring tone and name that tune as "angry baby".

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