Thursday, February 17, 2011

CNY family dinner

Let's face it.  Chinese New Year is all about eating and red packets.  We had a big family dinner some time ago and I didn't have a chance to blog about it until now.  One of the traditions is to wear new things on New Year's day, so this year, I got Ali new winter accessories.  I have been really busy knitting her a cowl and a pair of legwarmers and for myself, a cowl and a pair of mittens.  Yup, this is another secret obsession that I have - to have matching outfits with Ali.

One of my coworkers is a crazy knitter and she introduced us to this shop that sells nothing but buttons.  Look at this cute teddy bear button, so adorable!!!

It seems like every time the little ones meet, we have to make them kiss each other.  Ali seems to really like the kisses from her Uncle Caleb:

...and Uncle Andrew.  Look how much she enjoyed being kissed by them!

Here is a picture of Great-grand with the two boys.


  1. Wow very sweet baby and cute smile cute pose and funny movements images I think all over is too good.

  2. What beautiful smile I love it. Very beautiful photo. thanks for the posting.
