I was not looking forward going back to work this round. Did not do any prep until the very last day. And boy, things went horribly wrong in the last couple of days.
We had a decent morning. Everyone was pretty happy...until Nate woke up for his snacks. He vomited after, but we didn't think about it too much as he sometimes had too much gas and would vomit after he had eaten. We decided to go out for Korean food before I went back to work. And Nate vomited non-stop. At first, we thought it might be the smoke (lots of people bbq there). We tried feeding him more when we got home, formula, breastmilk....they all came back out. We were so worried that we took him to the ER. And of course, he was super dehydrated and needed to get oral rehydration therapy (ORT).
Basically, we had to feed him 5 mL of pedialyte every 5 minutes. It was super painful to do as it was late at night and he was so so so tired. On top of that, the doctor wanted to run blood test and urine test. My poor, poor baby. He so wanted to sleep. I had to stay home and work on my prep while hubby took him to the ER, but I went to meet up with him as fast as I can. I stayed until 2 am when things settled a bit, but hubby and baby didn't come home until 5.
My girl knew baby was not feeling well and she woke up in the middle of night crying for us. We were lucky that my mom was in town, but still she was not able to console her. So they pretty much stayed up until I came home at 2. Ali woke up again at 4, looking for Nate, and of course, he was still in the hospital, so I had to lug her to my room. Poor Ali. My two poor babies!!!
I had to go to work. Hubby took a day off, so he and baby boy can get to rest a little bit after the ordeal from last night. It's my first day back and there was SO MUCH STUFF to do. I really do hate going back after the school year started. So much paper work and crap everywhere. And on top of that, no break. I pretty much started my day at 6:30 and didn't get to leave until 5. And then, Ali got sick too. She started to have a fever and again, her fever almost always is accompanied by vomiting. My house was like a puke-fest. If it is not Ali vomiting in one room, it's Nate throwing up in the other room. Hubby and I were constantly cleaning and washing the floor. What on earth?! On top of that, my mom got sick too. She started to feel nauseous and had a stomach flu. So I had to go out in the middle of the night trying to get her meds. Finally, I was able to crawl onto bed at 12. I can...do.....zzzzzzzzz....
Not a restful night. Ali woke up multiple times and at the end, I thought it would be best if she slept with hubby and I moved to the couch. I really didn't want to go to work and abandon all the sick people at home, but I really did not have a choice. Timing was just impeccable. If this was not my first week back; if this was not the week my student teacher was there, if this was not the week EVERYONE got sick.... We called Grandma, so hopefully, the two of them will be able to take care of the two sick kids. Both hubby and I tried to go home early so we could take the kiddies to see our family doctor in the afternoon. Ali successfully passed the test, but Nate, not so much. The doctor (not the usual one we see) suspected Nate had pyloric stenosis. It is the condition which the stomach narrows and it requires surgery to fix. Terrific. And he said we should go to the Children's ER right away. Freaked out of my mind, I drove Nate to wait in the ER. And thank goodness, the pediatrician told us that he was way too old for that. And that they suspected that it's just a stomach flu and he should be better in a few days. We got home just around bed time. This must be our lucky break! Things got to get better now, right?
Mom was feeling better. Ali was good enough to go to school again. And it's just Nate that we worried about. He was really really lethargic. If you ever met him, you would know he just didn't look right. He was so sleepy, so tired, not moving. He just wanted to be held. My heart just broke into thousand little pieces. And still I had to go to work because I had to watch my student teacher taught her first class. Damn!!! Hubby worked from home, so it was a bit of a relief. And then, it hit me. Whatever, my mom had, I had it too. I was paralyzed at work. Really couldn't walk around because I was in so much pain. My stomach was cramping like crazy. Went to bathroom quite a few times. Wanted to throw up and couldn't eat. But I was still able to stay until the bell went. Am I really just a robot? Anyways, things got a bit worse when I got home. By the end of the day, I was completely out. I couldn't move a muscle. I was so sick that I had to lie in bed the whole time.
After sleeping for 14 hours and drinking bottles of gatorade, I felt much better, but still very weak. I was so sick that I could not even give the instructions to my TOC verbally. So I had to go into work. My mom and I took turns holding Nate. My poor boy. He was sleepy the whole day. So tired. No smiles. He is usually a really happy baby. We kept on giving him formula every now and then, but he ate so so little. His face is so tiny!! Things got tiny bit better in the evening tho. He was interested in playing with his toys, again...although for a short time, I know he is showing signs of recovery.
So thankful of the district closure days. Another day at home with Nate. He was semi-interested in playing with Ali in the morning. Again, a great sign. It's Nate's birthday and Ali was super excited to celebrate his birthday with him. He was happy to get hugs and kisses from his big sister. It was super awesome and sweet seeing how the two little ones interact with each other. The whole day, he was still a bit tired and very grumpy. We had cake and opened presents after dinner and the boy was pretty happy again.
Except for the eating part, Nate is pretty much back to his normal self. I really don't understand my little guy. He is more interested in formula than solids. At first, we thought he had a throat infection, but the doctor checked him this morning and said he looked fine. Anyways, I am glad to see my kids are finally getting better. I just hope that he will start eating more solids soon!!!
Moral of the story:
1. Do not procrastinate on your work, especially when you have young kids at home.
2. You can't really plan when you have kids.
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