Sunday, July 31, 2011

More kai sibling fun!

We had a few playdates with Ali's kai sibling (Kiki and Hayhay) when they were in town.  It is really precious to see our kids growing up together!  And they are growing so fast too!!

Kiki LOVES Sam.  I swear if it is not for our cat, she wouldn't even want to visit Vancouver.  She loves our cat that much!!

The kids with their mommies:

Kai baba going nuts with the two girls:

Ali checking out the pig tails that kai mama did for her:

K:  Um, what should we watch today?
H:  I don't know, just show me anything.
A:  What are you guys up to?  Can....I...join???

Kai mama reading a story to Hayden and Ali:

Bath time!!!  Ali has been talking about taking baths with these two every day.  She loves taking baths with her kai geh and kai goh!

Fishing game!  Everyone's favorite!
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1 comment:

  1. Lovely Posting and cute kids. really good family and nice activities of baby.
