Monday, April 25, 2011

Crazy hair day

I haven't been blogging for awhile now.  I have been pretty sick for the past few days - nothing serious, just a really bad flu and pink eyes (infected by my beloved daughter).  It was so bad that I had to take a whole week off.  I guess it is kind of like an extended Spring Break, except that I have zero energy to do anything at all.  

After I have slightly recovered from my cough, Ali got sick again and somehow, it has made my cough a little worse.  Damn.  Anyways, I will try hard to blog more often, but my work is also behind, so it is going to be a bit tough.

Here are a few pictures of Ali's new hair-do.  The last day of March was "crazy hair day" at her daycare.  I didn't know what it meant until I picked her up that afternoon.  I couldn't stop laughing.

Doesn't this picture remind you of those old Chinese movies (like Crouching Tiger), where the heroine has some weird hair-do??  "Hi, my name is Ali, I am here to save the day."

"Mama, don't you just love my crazy hair???"
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1 comment:

  1. beautiful hair and nice look. fantastic this post so thanks
