Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Our second baby swap

We LOVE baby swaps.  It is just a simple, but AWESOME idea.  I can't remember who thought of this idea (probably Allison's mommy), but man, it's just AWESOME! Hubby and I dropped off Ali at our friends' on our wedding anniversary a few weeks ago and now it's our turn to host.  I am glad to say Allison is MUCH happier this time around.  She eats well, very happy playing with Ali (more like Ali's toys) and constantly walking around doing laps.

Here is a picture of the two playing some music:

Hubby trying hard to make the two girls hold still.  Not doing so hot.

Look at the pro:

The two girls getting along very nicely:

The whole night Allison was playing with a fold-up lint brush, pretending she is holding a cell phone walking around the room.  Just you wait, little Allison is going to grow up to be a successful business woman.  

Hubby tried to teach the girls the concept of sharing and waiting in turns.  They did really well.  

Can't wait until the next baby swap!!!!
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