Friday, January 22, 2010

Dermatologist appointment

So we went to see the dermatologist at Children's. The doctor prescribed some stronger ointments for her eczema and she is suspecting that baby is allergic to certain foods and also it might be genetic as her daddy and uncle both had skin problems. She said it is fairly common as 1 in 5 children develop eczema as well. We need to go back for a follow up in 2-3 weeks time and she is fairly confident that Ali will be 90% better. I hope so too. But the sad thing is this stupid eczema comes and goes, so while she is better one day, the next day it might take a dive again. Pretty darn annoying.

When we went to ER last week, the doctor suspected it might be her drool mixed with the food and it dripped down her neck causing this allergic reaction or that she has a food allergy. He suggested us to put a bit of the rice cereal on her forearm and see. We did that and she was fine. I don't know what's wrong with our little one. Anyways, the dermatologist suggested she should only start on solids when her skin gets better. I was hoping to enroll her in an infant swimming class too, but she axed that as well. *sigh*

Here are a couple of picture of Ali, butt naked, literally. These are taken two weeks back when her eczema was really, really bad. Look at her neck and shoulder area.

The diaper velcro areas are super red. Seriously, if people did not know that she has eczema, they would probably think we spank her (sides) repeatedly at home. Poor baby!

1 comment:

  1. She looks so pissed in that second picture. It's really funny. I don't know if I am feeding off what you told me but she looks skinnier. Just a big head now.
