Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Losing my marbles

I guess having a baby really make you dumber. At least, I think I am not as sharp as before. I booked a two month vaccination for Ali when she was three/four weeks old. I thought it was TODAY, but when I went there, the nurses told me that I have missed my appointment YESTERDAY! What the heck!! I don't know why I wrote down Wednesday Oct 6th and did not bother to check that it should be Tuesday Oct 6th. I guess when you stay at home for too long, you start to lose track of time - which day or date, does it matter? Well, the answer is yes!! Oh well, I guess we will go to our family doctor for the shots tomorrow instead. What a bummer!!! ARRRRRRGGGGG!!!

On the other hand, we are really looking forward to this coming Friday. My hubby is going to take a week off and my brothers are visiting from HK. My whole family will be in town!! Yay!! Our family has not been together since my wedding (that's 5 years ago!!). I can't wait!

Ali has grown quite a bit in the past few days. She is slowly losing those chubby cheeks. I want them back!!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, she will grow those cheeks again. Remember, they bulk up and then lengthen. The next growth spurt will come and your arms will be duly broken again.
