Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oh, it's explosive alright!

One thing mom sure gets obsessed about is poop. Yup, poop. Playdoh poop is good, but runny, explosive type? Not so hot. Ali had her first bowel problem - explosive diarrhea. I am not exaggerating. Runny, explosive AND stinky. She started two days ago and daycare pretty much sent her back home right away. Poor daddy has to work at home that afternoon. We took her to the clinic and they said you just had to wait it out. We tried giving her Pedilyte, but she is not too keen on the new drink.

Ali had her first run when she was having breakfast. I changed her right away, but on our way to the change pad, it has leaked everywhere. Daddy has to change his pants and I have to change her out of her uniform. When I was helping my students at work, I noticed there was some stain on my shirt. At first, I thought it was her cereal and I just wiped it with a paper towel. But then, when I was changing her again when I got home that night, I realized it was poop stain and I was wearing it to school the whole time. Lovely. Just lovely.

Ali was happy otherwise, so we brought her back to school yesterday. After hubby dropped her off, they phoned him pretty much right away. Poor daddy has to bring the girl TO work. Yes, Ali playing on his lap while he worked away. #$%$#$^@! Insane. Thank goodness the boss wasn't there and the secretary was nice enough to give him a hand to occupy Ali. I took half a day off to help too. I am sensing my students are going to hate me this year. It seems like I am always abandoning my Calculus kids. I wasn't there when they wrote their chapter tests and they blamed their bad marks on me. They said they needed me there for emotional support. Huh? Since when I became my students' spiritual guidance?

Today I stayed home with the girl again. Man, this is the fourth time I called in sick this month. Is this going to be a regular routine from now on?? Ali, please don't get sick this often. At this rate, mommy will be running out of sick days real soon. But I have to admit, staying home with Ali is pretty damn fun.

Here is a random video of Ali munching on goldfish crackers:

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