When I was pregnant with Nate, my husband and I were 100% sure that we did not want to have more kids. Okay, let's back up a bit. My husband wanted 1 (he was pretty firm about having just 1 when Ali was 2 months old). I wanted 0 or 2 (I love my brothers even though we fought like mad and I wanted Ali to have crazy siblings just like me). At the end, we compromised and agreed to have 2.
So when people asked me, "Do you want #3?" I almost snapped at them. My typical response is, "Are you crazy? No way!! I am done!" But now when I looked at my little tofu and realized that this is the last time I am going to have a baby, I am starting to have second thoughts.
Really? This is the last time I get to cuddle with my own teeny tiny baby. My last time to witness the birth of my own child? No more pregnancy? Okay, not like I really really enjoyed the pregnancy (especially the last few weeks - they were just torturous!), but the fact that a new life residing in my body is too miraculous. From the pregnancy to the birthing process to watching my children grow, that is one extraordinary journey.
Realistically, I don't think we will have a third. Raising kids in Vancouver is SO freakishly expensive! Child care, education, diapers - you name it! Everything is money. And on top of that, there are only two of us. It is rather unfortunate that we don't get much help from the family. Hiring help is an option, but then again, it is mighty costly. As tempting as the third one sounds, hubby and I decided the only way that we would consider having a third is...winning the lottery or an "accident" . And yes, I have bought a 649. Wish me luck!